Sunday, May 3, 2009

Omen of the Stars... theory time!

We all love a good theory, right? Well Spottedstar gave me a great one yesterday!

Warning: Possible Spoilers for Omen of the Stars

Okay, so Spottedstar posted this;
"i just had an interesting theory. i think that well just say dovekit was part of the 3. once ivykit found out she would be jelous, kill her sister and become the 3rd cat herself. "
Maybe! It is rumored that the Omen of the Stars series will be darker then the Power of Three series. It will also be a direct continuation. Its just a point of view switch, but the main cats will stay the same. (with the addition of Ivy + Dove)

Maybe Ivykit is Hollyleaf reborn? Like Cinderpaw? I know it sounds farfetched, but maybe Hollyleaf was part of the prophecy all along...but just not in her first body...Crazy right? But hey, we've learned to expect the unexpected from Erin & co!

Dovekit does seem to be the main cat of the two. (I could be mistaken, but its Dovekit on the cover of the first Omen of the Stars book, The Fourth Apprentice.) Ivykit could become very jealous of living in her sister's shadow. Or perhaps one dies in an accident?

Maybe they both live...who knows? It seems a bit unlikely because only one of them COULD be the Fourth Apprentice. Unless they merge and stuff, but that would be kind of creepy.
Unfortunately no one has solid answers. (Except for those lucky enough to get their paws on the book before it comes out!) We'll have to wait a while longer for Erin to release more details. :(

Post your theories here!


★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

I kind of doubt one of Whitewing's kits is Hollyleaf reborn. Because, weren't Ivykit and Dovekit born BEFORE Hollyleaf supposedly died in the tunnels? They came out of the nursery after the tunnels collapsed, but they had to have been born quite a while before that.


Sally said...

yeah i agree with silverstar. i also find it hard to believe that OOTS will be darker than PO3. there are a couple of questions i want answered though:

What will happen between Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight now that the truth is out?

Will Leafpool still be ThunderClan's medicine cat, or will she be driven out?

Will Squirrelflight be forgiven by Lion and Jay?


Is Hollyleaf alive, or dead, and if she's dead, is she with StarClan or in the Dark Forest?

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

I think that Leafpool won't be driven out. After all, the Clan leader is her father. And, Firestar forgave her for running off with Crowfeather, and having kits was something she couldn't help. It's not like after she came back to ThunderClan she ran away with Crowfeather a second time, so I think she'll either get forgiven or resign from being medicine cat. But if she resigns, what would so do? She hasn't had warrior training, so she may have to just leave the Clans. That would be sad.

It is confusing where Hollyleaf would be if she died. I'm assuming Dark Forest because she tried to kill the Clan medicine cat, and killed Ashfur even though he was evil. But, if a cat from the Dark Forest had been controlling her, StarClan would probably forgive that. I mean, they forgave Bluestar for turning her back on them and putting ThunderClan in chaos, so maybe they would forgive Hollyleaf too. Maybe.

Here's another thing to ponder; where did ASHFUR go when Hollyleaf killed him? He went crazy like Bluestar did, but was he really sorry for it in the end? Probably not. And he tried to kill his Clan leader. I doubt StarClan would forgive him.


Emily Ravinsky said...

I think that Lionblaze and Jayfeather will forgive Leafpool and Squirrelflight because is was mainly Hollyleaf that was angry. There are different places where there is no StarClan and Darkforest and I think that's where Hollyleaf went.

Leaftail said...

I doubt that Hollyleaf is reborn in either Ivykit or Dovekit. Like Silverstar said, the kits were born before she "died" (though that fact is not yet verified).

Here's my Theory: Will Tigerstar and Hawkfrost return, manipulating the minds of Dovekit and Ivykit now? The two were so sure that Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, and Jayfeather were their kin, but they found out they were wrong. But even so, they tried to get Lionblaze on their side anyway, and I have a feeling they don't want to stop trying to rule the entire lakeside.

And what about Heathertail? Will she ever forgive Lionblaze, or will Breezepelt win her over for sure? Will the two have kits, whichever the two are? Maybe it's Breezepelt who's part of the prophecy, and Jayfeather was wrong about Whitewing's kits all along?

I'm just shooting out ideas, hehe.

Another Theory: If Hollyleaf really is dead, will she try to help Dovekit and Ivykit with the prophecy? Will she try to have them murder Leafpool, like she tried to do? Has she realized her mistakes, and gone to StarClan? Or will she try to reach Jayfeather through visions and dreams, discovering the prophecy on her journey to StarClan (is she goes there)?

So many unanswered questions... I'm extremely excited for the next book to come out!

☠♥Maddie♥☠ said...

Cinderheart was born before cinderpelt died because cinderpelt delivered them

☠♥Maddie♥☠ said...

holly did dream of the dark forest the night before she died

Emily Ravinsky said...

what page was that again?

Sunkit said...

Does anyone know what color pelt Ivykit has? one of the three has to be black furred, it says so in The Sight at the end. Check out my posts (Starsong's Blog) to see my whole theory.

Anonymous said...

I just had a crazy idea.

Maybe the third cat is Squirrelflight's and Brambleclaw's kit. x) Even though I do realize that they are.. quite .. angry at each other. But it's still possible right? And that would STILL make it

the kin of his kin (Firestar) because Dovekit and Ivykit are Firestar's great grandchildren which would not make them kin of his kin. Right?

eleanor mcgrath said...

cinderpelt died from the badger while she was helping sorreltail give birth then leafpool cam. it is possible that she died before cinderheart was born.

ivy/holly couldn't be true because ivy was born before holly died and they don't look the same or havethe same names like cinder+ cinder.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Leafpool will probably not get exiled because Firestar forgave Yellowfang, so he'll forgive his own daughter. Also, If ivykit is on the cover of Fading echoes, mabye she starts fading in the backround. Or...... I got it!! Ivykit gets jealous and i trained to hate the three and what it feels like to be left out by Hollyleaf in the dark forest.

Ryu said...

what happens if whitewing has another litter? or Squirrelflight? that would get confusing.but ive heard rumors that Squirrelflight will get a new mate................

Flashstar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Flashstar said...

Yah but ivy and holly are both the names of a plant thats the trick cats that are reborn have sometype of connection Cinder+cinder have a conection by the first part of the name Ivykit+Hollyleaf conection is both names of plants second when Ivykit gets her warrior name it might be Ivyleaf can you see it? So even though Ivykit was bron before Hollyleaf died its still a reborn cat Starclan must of known that Hollyleaf will go to Darkforest soon and Whitewing's kits were coming so it wa sment to be I guess we have to wait till the books come out to see what really happens.


mudnose of thunderclan said...

firestar will die and brambleclaw will become an elder so lionblaze will become the leader and he appoints cinderheart. im pretty sure leafpool suicides and holly leaf will return and become a warrior. sandstorm will bear firestars kits named echokit and pyrekit.dovepaw is the 3rd. lepordstar sided as most of u know with tigerstar in book 5&6 of the first series because she loved him!
tigerstar meets with tawnypelts kits and tries 2 make them evil and firestar losses a life. tigerpaw will be deputy when he is an warrior. onestar will die and mistystar will appoint crowfeather as the deputy!!!! hope u liked my spoilers!-.-

mudnose of thunderclan said...

firestar will die and brambleclaw will become an elder so lionblaze will become the leader and he appoints cinderheart. im pretty sure leafpool suicides and holly leaf will return and become a warrior. sandstorm will bear firestars kits named echokit and pyrekit.dovepaw is the 3rd. lepordstar sided as most of u know with tigerstar in book 5&6 of the first series because she loved him!
tigerstar meets with tawnypelts kits and tries 2 make them evil and firestar losses a life. tigerpaw will be deputy when he is an warrior. onestar will die and mistystar will appoint crowfeather as the deputy!!!! hope u liked my spoilers!-.-

Anonymous said...

You are all messed up.It's not that complicated. Dovekit is the Third Power of Three. Ivy is an inedible plant and holly is poisonous, Holleyleaf died, so will Ivykit. Holleyleaf will be like Feathertail. She will travel between her natives, the Mountain Tribe, and StarClan. Heathertail and Breezepelt will be mates.Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw will fight a while, Squirrelflight will start hanging out with some tom, brambleclaw will get jealous, yada yada yada. Leafpool has already stepped down from her post as medicine cat, so she'll be a Daisy. She'll help kits in the nursery, maybe take on a mate. MAYBE. Dovekit will never die. Jayfeather can travel in dreams, like Starclan, Lionblaze has the unending strength, like Starclan, so Dovekit will have the forever fit Warrior stance, like Starclan. They'll give out they're secret and take power close to the end of the sixth book. the fifth six-book series will be about them ruling over the four clans. And this is just a suspicion, but I think that maybe one clan will die or two will join together or something because there is only three PO3s and four clans, but that's pretty farfetched, even though it's happened before...
Oh yeah, forgot to mention, a patrol of SkyClan cats will come to Thunderclan. Erin Hunter hinted on that... 'course Jayfeather will figure out there is a SkyClan before they appear... he always does do stuff like that...
Firestar'll die at the end of Omen of the Stars, Brambleclaw will become leader(a good leader!!!).

So that's what I think, I'm open for disagreements.

Tictactoad said...

Hey, I'm just thinking out loud here that we will all have to wait to get the book. Just pointing it out. Now my theory. Well, maybe HollyLeaf was part of the prophecy but she just died. ACCIDENTS HAPPEN! Another question, i read the book and all but did she die on purpose? It sounded like she didn't but . . . I think that whichever of WhiteWings kits who doesn't make it into the prophecy just suck it up and move one!

Unknown said...

The fourth book will be called dawn to dusk. It'll take place over one day and feature many point of views: lion jay dove ivy one of tawnypelts kits mistystar willow heathertail crowfeather sol. This will be about 400 pages and the next book is one year later.

Sandtalon said...

No no no the new leader will be Bramblestar and Lionblaze will be deputy he will fal in love with icepaw and have kits with her but will then fall in love with someone else or mabey he'll just grin and bear it cause firestar did when spottedleaf did.

Unknown said...

I so disagree!!!! I read some spoilers today. Hollyleaf is alive and will be the main villan of Omen of the Stars. Leafpool is a warrior of ThunderClan. Dovekit is the fourth apprentice. Ivykit will not kill Dovekit. Brambleclaw will not suceed Firestar.

Unknown said...

I think that Leafpool will become a Daisy and Jayfeather would become Medicine Cat. He would be awesome at that. I really don't want Firstar to die because he has been in the Warriors series from the beginning. IF he does die, I sure don't want Brambleclaw to become Bramblestar. That would be bad for ThunderClan. Graystripe would be good, or Lionblaze. We will all have to wait a few days until the book comes out!

Unknown said...

If you read the fourth apprentice jay got attacked by a mysterious cat. The cat was brokenstar. When the dark forest attacks tigerstar will kill firestar.

Oceanwing said...

Umm... well... I started OOTS last night, and finished it this morning! I totally didnt expect any of what was in it, but I wont spoil anything for people who havent read it yet.

A couple of you may know me, from Dappleclan, I was Cloudmist/Cloudkit and I was also Spiritsong/Spiritstar! The Spottedstar on here... were you the owner of Dappleclan???? And if so, how is Icedew?

Unknown said...

I have read the book and i just wanted to tell you guys that Hollyleaf really did die. and dovepaw is the one of the three. ivypaw does get jealouse but doesnt kill her sis tho...

what up hommy said...

okay, Let me think. You say that Dovekit is the fourth apprentice, Brambleclaw becomes leader, Lionblaze becomes deputy and falls in love with Icepaw, Foxpaws sister. Jayfeather becomes the medicine-cat, Lionblaze falls out of love with Icepaw, but she already has kits and soon the three will rule the forest and only three clans will survive.

what up hommy said...

If Erin Hunter ever reads this i will flip! I love her so much and i write stories just like her! She is the best author and all i read are her GREAT books.

what up hommy said...

And if i had a warrior name i would be Ambervalley- Gold she-cat with red tipped fur.

TinyBlaze said...

well i can tell you Holly is NOT dead she was running into the tunnel, right? So she must of out run the dirt that fell. She's probably living in the tunnels while everyone thinks that she's dead. Just guessing :D

TinyBlaze said...

If i had a warrior name it would be TinyBlaze i'd be a Dapple-grey cat with magnificent purple eyes

Gingerheart said...

This is what i heard:
firestar dies in Fading Echoes. Then Brambleclaw becomes leader and then BrambleSTAR dies and Lionblaze becomes leader.

BTW, Heathertail and Breezepelt aren't in love,she still in love with Lionblaze...
So obvious that Ivypaw is being used by the Dark Forest

Gingerheart said...

I think Lionblaze likes Cinderheart .-. just MAYBE, I'm just thinking

Gingerheart said...

This is what i heard. Firestar dies at end of Fading Echoes, Brambleclaw becomes leader. then BrambleSTAR dies and Lionblaze becomes leader. BTW Heathertail doesn't like Breezepelt, she still in love with Lionblaze

Isabelle said...

I am not sure if Firestar dies, it kinda leaves off that he lost a few lives. (i read fading echos)

Isabelle said...

My theory, Hollyleaf is alive and plotting against the three, with tigerheart. The relationship with Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw gains a little, but not to the point that they go back together. And the relationship with leaf+Squirrel+Jay+Lion dose not change to the point of forgiveness but at the very end of the Omen of the Stars books, they love each other again. (for more theory's visit my blog at: )

Mudpool said...

Me: Is Hollyleaf ever going to be seen or heard of in StarClan?
Vicky Holmes: IF she's dead...


Jayfeather314 said...

dovekit is one of the 3 and ivykit becomes really jealous even though she doesn't know about the prophecy. dovekit kind of gets special treatment and Lionblaze is her mentor and ivykits mentor is Cinderheart. Lionblaze and Cinderheart fall in love untill Lionblaze tells about the prophecy.

Jayfeather314 said...

sorry: tells her (cinderheart)

Jayfeather314 said...

i know some more stuff check out my blog its jayfeathers blog

Jayfeather314 said...

i think hollyleaf is still alive because it says 'the 4 apprentice' so if hollyleaf was dead wouldn't it say the 3 apprentice?

Jayfeather314 said...

this is what i think the 4 series books will be called
:the 4 apprentice
:fading echoes
:night whispers
:sign of the moon
:the forgotten warrior
:and im not sure about the last one but i will take a guess:death of a warrior?

Jayfeather314 said...

plz check my blog and can you come to this site so we can share ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jayfeather314 said...

the forgotten warrior will be so cool
i can not wait!I bet it is about hollyleaf because she is forgotten about

Jayfeather314 said...

i have this random theory that hollyleaf is still alive and living in the tunnels and in the forgotten warrior she comes out or something. i know it is random but plz give me your comment about it

Jayfeather314 said...

i have this random theory that hollyleaf is still alive and living in the tunnels and in the forgotten warrior she comes out or something. i know it is random but plz give me your comment about it

Caroline said...


A lot of people are thinking that. I'm not sure if she's alive or dead, although **SPOILERS FOR NW**

There is a random squirrel found outside the ThunderClan camp at one point AND some herbs when Jayfeather is low on supplies -- people think that Hollyleaf may've left them.

Jayfeather314 said...

thanks for your comment!you could be right

Jayfeather314 said...

I'm am not sure whether hollyleaf is alive or not. maybe she escaped the tunnels and is alive and left the supplies or maybe not.We will have to wait and see!
PS yay someone else is on here too!

Jayfeather314 said...

hi guys!i havent been on for a while but i found out that hollyleaf is alive and dove and ivy's warrior names r Dovewing and Ivypool!and those r the names i guessed they would b!

Warisarcy said...

I sure hope that Hollyleaf is still alive. Also, book 6 is called The Last Hope. And I really have big doubts that Firestar will die. This is just me thinking, because ive only read up to Fading Echoes and the beginning bit of book 3.

Warisarcy said...

So, if anyone has any theories or spoilers, feel free to hit me with them

Eternal The Warrior. said...

Hi there. You have really inspired me to make a Warrior Cats blog. I have a few blogs, but only one is Warriors. And it's just ThunderClan. I hope you don't mind me making a Warrior Cats blog!

Anyways, I highly doubt that Ivykit is Hollyleaf, but what can I say? I haven't started reading that series yet. I'm about to, but I have to get the books first. Has anyone read the prophecy yet? It's something like: "After the sharp eyed jay and roaring lion, peace will come on a dove's wing..."
Obviously Dovekit becomes Dovepaw then Dovewing. DUH!!

Unknown said...

firestar dies saids erin hunter